Top Tips for Keeping Your Teen Safer on the Road

Top Tips for Keeping Your Teen Safer on the Road

As a parent, you might have mixed feelings about handing over the car keys to your teenager. On one hand, you’re excited to help them embark on this new stage of their life, but on the other, you’re probably feeling nervous about letting them get behind the wheel – when they’re driving, you may not always be there to guide them. At National Auto Collision Centers, we understand the importance of promoting safe driving habits from the start. Here’s a guide with essential tips to help ensure your teen’s safety on the road.

  1. Understand Arizona’s Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) Laws

Arizona’s GDL laws are designed to provide new drivers under the age of 18 with the opportunity to gain skills and experience under lower-risk conditions. Familiarizing yourself and your teen with these laws is the first step towards helping them stay safe on the road. The GDL laws include several stages:

  • Learner’s Permit: Teens must be at least 15 years and 6 months old to apply. This permit requires supervised driving with an adult for at least six months.
  • Graduated License: After turning 16 and having held the learner’s permit for six months, teens can graduate to this license. It comes with curfews and passenger restrictions to minimize risky situations.
  • Unrestricted License: Your teen can get this unrestricted license a year after they get their graduated license as long as they have no traffic violations.
  1. Talk Honestly About Drug and Alcohol Use

One of the most important conversations to have with your teen will be about the danger of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. While this may be an uncomfortable talk, it’s essential for your child to understand the potential legal repercussions and the severe safety risks involved. Emphasize that driving under the influence is not only illegal, but can lead to major accidents and even deaths. You should also encourage them to always make safe choices and remind them that they can call you in any situation where they feel unsafe.

  1. Set a Good Example

Teens learn by example, so it’s essential to practice what you preach. Make sure that you demonstrate safe driving habits around your child, such as following speed limits, using turn signals, not using your phone while driving, and always wearing a seatbelt. By showing your teen these safe practices, you’ll help instill these habits in them as well.

  1. Supplement Driver’s Ed With Real-World Practice

While driver’s education classes are invaluable, they are not comprehensive. Extend this learning with real-world driving practice. Spend time driving with your teen in various conditions — night, rain, heavy traffic — to give them a better idea of what driving is really like. Make sure to discuss different scenarios they might encounter and how to handle them safely.

Contact National Auto Collision Centers in Tucson Today

At National Auto Collision Centers, we’re committed to helping your family stay safe on the road. We provide comprehensive auto body repairs for clients throughout the Tucson area. If your teen’s vehicle was damaged, don’t hesitate to contact our Valencia Rd. location at (520) 889-2536 today to schedule your repair service.