Tips for Driving Safely in Southern Arizona

Tips for Driving Safely in Southern Arizona

If you live in Southern Arizona, you know that the heat can be brutal. The last thing you want to do is add to the stress of the day by getting into a car accident. But, according to the Arizona Department of Public Safety, that’s exactly what happens. Thousands of car accidents occur each year in the state, and many of them happen in the southern part of the state. Check out these tips to drive safely in Southern Arizona.

Watch Your Speed

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s worth repeating. Speed is a factor in many fatal car accidents in Arizona, so it’s important to be aware of the posted speed limit and drive accordingly. Remember, the faster you’re going, the harder it is to stop if something unexpected happens. Stick to the speed limit to give yourself time to react if necessary.

Stay Off Your Phone

Distracted driving is a major problem across the country, and Arizona is no exception. If you’re using your phone while driving, you’re not paying attention to the road and you’re more likely to get into an accident. Put your phone down and focus on driving. If you need to make a call or send a text, pull over to a safe location first.

Buckle Up

Another obvious one, but worth mentioning. You should always wear your seatbelt when you’re driving. It’s the best way to protect yourself in the event of an accident. In Arizona, all passengers in a vehicle must be properly restrained, so make sure everyone in your car is buckled up.

Contact National Auto Collision Centers Today

If you’ve been in a car accident in Southern Arizona, National Auto Collision Centers is your best bet for repairs. Our team will work tirelessly to return your vehicle to its former glory. Call our Broadway Blvd. location today at (520) 760-5536 to learn more.