26 May Tips for Staying Calm in Stressful Driving Conditions
We’ve all been in stressful driving conditions – you’re stuck in bumper to bumper traffic, or an aggressive driver just won’t stop tailgating you. Unfortunately, getting stressed, angry, or panicky will only impact your ability to drive safely and could lead to an accident. Read on to find out how you can keep cool and stay calm during stressful driving conditions.
Plan Your Route in Advance
Getting stuck in traffic can be upsetting, particularly if you weren’t expecting it. Even worse, this unwelcome surprise could make you late for work or an important function. One way to combat this stressful feeling is to plan your route in advance. Listen to traffic reports on the radio or use a navigation app to decrease your chances of getting stuck in a stressful situation on the road.
Try Breathing Exercises
If you’re behind the wheel and you can feel yourself becoming angry or frustrated, try to remember to take deep breaths. Humans naturally begin to breathe more shallowly when they get upset, and this feeling will only make you more agitated. By slowing down and taking deep breaths, you can remind your body to calm down.
Distract Yourself
Sometimes, there’s no way around it: you’re upset and there’s nowhere for you to go because you’re stuck in traffic or driving on a busy highway. When all else fails, try to distract yourself from your negative emotions. You can listen to music or a podcast, chat with a passenger, or call a friend (using a hands free system, of course) to help yourself focus on something else.
Contact National Auto Collision Centers Today!
If you were caught in an accident as a result of a stressful driving situation, National Auto Collision Centers is here to help you. We provide expert auto body repairs that will have you and your car back on the road in no time at all. Contact our Grant Rd. location at (520) 623-4959 today to learn more or to get an estimate!