Why Driving a Damaged Car Is a Huge Safety Risk – and a Liability

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Why Driving a Damaged Car Is a Huge Safety Risk – and a Liability

You might think that the condition of your car only affects your safety. In reality, if your car is in poor condition or is severely damaged, it can affect your safety and the safety of your passengers and others on the road. It can also be a huge liability for you, as you may be found at-fault or negligent if your car is involved in an accident due to its poor driving condition.

At National Auto Collision Centers, we make it easy to get general maintenance and minor auto repairs in Tucson, AZ, for your vehicle. Keep reading to better understand why driving a damaged car is a huge safety risk and liability for you, and then make an appointment at our auto body shop.

Driving a Damaged Car Might Be Against the Law

It is illegal to drive a damaged car in Arizona if the car poses a danger to you, your passengers, or other drivers. You are at risk of a citation, fine, suspension of your driver’s license, and a court order to make repairs to your vehicle. If you cause an accident due to your vehicle’s poor driving condition or safety, you could also face criminal or civil charges. Getting your vehicle repaired will end up costing less than the fines and fees you would face if pulled over, or the damage you could cause if you were in an accident.

Vehicle Damage Can Increase Your Risk of an Accident

When your vehicle sustains damage due to age, wear and tear, weather, or a collision, it may be less safe to drive. Some types of vehicle damage can significantly increase your risk of an accident. If you are in an accident and the investigation reveals you knew that your vehicle was unsafe and you drove it anyway, you could face financial and legal penalties. It’s in your best interests to get certain types of vehicle damage repaired right away:

  • Windshield damage
  • Windshield wiper damage
  • Side mirror or rearview mirror damage
  • Broken turn signal
  • Damaged headlights or tail lights 
  • Faulty steering
  • Suspension damage
  • Brake damage
  • Damaged tires or rims
  • Faulty odometer
  • Major frame damage
  • Damaged or inoperable trunk or hood
  • Major bumper damage

You Could Get Pulled Over or Get a Ticket

Even if you aren’t in a car accident, you can get pulled over for driving your car when it is damaged. A police officer or highway patrol officer can issue you a ticket for:

  • Cracked or damaged windshield
  • Missing or damaged side mirror
  • Broken, damaged, or missing tail light or headlight
  • Inoperable or faulty brake lights
  • Failure to signal due to damaged tail lights or turn signal
  • Excessive noise from your vehicle
  • Excessive emissions or exhaust from your vehicle
  • Hanging bumper
  • Open trunk or hood

Make an Appointment at National Auto Collision Centers for Car Repairs

Don’t drive another day in a damaged vehicle in Arizona. Visit us at National Auto Collision Centers for minor collision repair, general auto repair, and mechanical repair in Tucson, AZ. Our experienced, certified auto technicians will ensure your vehicle is safe to drive. Call us today or contact us online.