Top Distractions to Avoid While Behind the Wheel

Top Distractions to Avoid While Behind the Wheel

During a long drive, it can be tempting to entertain yourself with various distractions. However, this can be extremely dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Here are some of the top distractions to avoid while driving in order to keep yourself and other drivers safe on the road.

Cell Phones

Cell phones are one of the biggest sources of distraction for drivers. Texting and talking on the phone can greatly reduce your ability to focus on the road, as well as distract you from potential hazards or other vehicles around you. You should also avoid looking at social media or other apps on your phone. If you must make a call or find directions, pull over to the side of the road in a safe location before doing so.

Eating and Drinking

While having food and drinks can help keep you alert during long trips, it is important to not become distracted while eating or drinking behind the wheel. This can lead to spills, which can be dangerous if they occur in the driver’s line of vision. Eating or drinking should only be done when you are safely stopped and not driving.

GPS Navigation Systems

GPS navigation systems can be helpful for finding your way to a destination, but can also be extremely distracting while driving. It is best to program your GPS and find out your route before setting off on your journey. If you need to make adjustments or changes while driving, do so when you have reached a safe location.

Contact National Auto Collision Centers Today

If you’ve been in an accident due to distracted driving, we can help. National Auto Collision Centers offers expert repair services and can have your car back on the road in no time. Contact our Broadway Blvd. location at (520) 760-5536 today to schedule your appointment.