05 Aug 5 Practical Driver Safety Tips
5 Practical Driver Safety Tips
Auto collisions are a major cause of property damage and serious injury. Today cars are safer and smarter than ever before yet the majority of collisions are caused by driver error. Keeping these five tips in mind will help to minimize your risk of a collision while you are on the road.
Don’t Drive Distracted
Distracted driving is a serious safety hazard on the roads. Minimize distractions while in the car by learning your route ahead of time and avoid eating, drinking, texting, or making phone calls while you drive. If you must do something that takes your attention off the road, pull over first.
Get Enough Rest
Inadequate sleep and long hours spent on the road can cause you to become drowsy while driving. Avoid drowsy driving by getting enough sleep each night and stopping to rest when you start to feel tired.
Don’t Drink and Drive
Alcohol is a factor in one out of every three auto accident-related fatalities. Never drive if you’ve been drinking—even a single drink can impair your judgment and reflexes. Instead, take a cab or designate a driver to provide transportation.
Slow Down
Speeding is another major cause of serious collisions on the road. Posted speed limits are there to protect you and others so always obey them. If road conditions are hazardous, slow down to a safe speed even if it is less than the posted limit.
Avoid Tailgating
Many rear-end collisions are caused by drivers who tailgate, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Give yourself at least two car lengths of space between your bumper and the car in front of you.
Have you been in a minor or major auto collision in Tucson? National Auto Collision Centers can restore your car to like-new condition—you can call one of our three locations today at (520) 623-4959, (520) 760-5536, or (520) 889-2536 to speak with one of our experienced staff.. Check out our blog for additional auto safety tips!
Have you been in a minor or major auto collision in Tucson? National Auto Collision Centers body shops can restore your car to like-new condition—you can call one of our three locations today at (520) 623-4959, (520) 760-5536, or (520) 889-2536 to speak with an experienced auto mechanic. Check out our blog for additional auto safety tips!